New York’s 17th Congressional District

Biden carried NY-17 by 10 points in 2020, but Republican Mike Lawler won the district in 2022 by just over 1 point in a low-turnout election. To flip NY-17 this year and hold it in future cycles requires organizing and GOTV work that engages potential Democratic voters who aren’t registered or tend to sit out elections — especially Latinos, who now make up 18% of the district’s population, yet have accounted for a much smaller share of voters in recent elections.

People’s House recommends that donors support Battleground New York, a new effort that unites leading organizing groups in the state for an unprecedented push to turn out voters across competitive NY districts this fall. The groups behind this push include the Working Families Party, Indivisible, Planned Parenthood Empire State Acts, and 1199 SEIU. Together, these organizations plan to mount a powerful field program that reaches tens of thousands of voters in GOP-held swing districts: NY-4, NY-17, NY-19, and NY-22.

New York 17th congressional district map icon

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NY-17: Key Statistics

Biden Margin in 2020

Republican Margin in 2022

Voting Age Demographics

Voter Registration Statistics